Thursday 7 February 2013

How to make your very own brain cake...incase you ever wondered!!

So my friend Lindsey is leaving us to work in pastures new, she has got a new job on neurosurgery.  So what more fitting a send off than...yes thats right youve guessed it A BRAIN CAKE!!!

Firstly, a disclaimer, I didnt bake the cake on this occassion my friend Lucy did but we all decorated it together.

The cake... A traditional victoria sandwich, with lots of lashings of Strawberry Jam filling.

We then made up a generous quantity of butter cream icing, to which we added some Wiltons pink icing colour paste and spread thickly across the top of the cake.
In order to get an accurate brain shape we printed off a template of a brain image we found on the internet and had a little debate about whether we trimmed the cake to size or traced round it.  We decided that we didn't want to forfeit any of the cake by cutting it down so we went for the tracing option.
We used strawberry laces and followed the outline of the picture we had, we also used laces to make all the sulci, cerebellum and brainstem.  We started off trying to be anatomically correct but then just decided to freestyle it.  I think the outcome still looks impressive.
and of course, no cake is truly complete with out tons of hundreds and thousands!!
What do you think??
Becky x x
P.S, please bare with me as I try jazz up my blog its a slow work in progress x 


Saturday 2 February 2013

So I treated myself...

I haven't blogged lately as I have been a bit tied up prepping for a job interview, unfortunately I didn't get the job... boo hiss.

However, Not one to wallow, I cheered myself up with a few purchases to treat myself 😊 all very exciting.  Although I don't think Mike was as excited as I have been a little lax on contributing to our house deposit fund... Whoops!

Yey, bought my new favourite board game

Love Rapidough, played it for the first time last month at a friends house, its like Pictionary with Play Doh and its hilarious!

 Look how proudly it sits on top of our ever growing boardgames collection... think we've got buckaroo somewhere too. 
My most recent treat was purchased today,  I visited my favourite shop (Cath Kidston of course) and bought this beautiful notebook laptop case...

Oh yeah and I got a new touchscreen laptop to go in it too! Well, I needed a fabby new laptop to write all my blogs on!  Normal house fund saving will resume next month.  Besides, all the lovely posts of peoples homes on instagram is making me desperate to get our own and put our own little style on it... must be strict with myself.
Becky xx